You'll get information that refers you to Sendler's house in Lobinden.
You should also talk to Zoltan at the inn itself. If patch installation fails for any reason (for example, due to a failed Internet connection), uninstall the game completely and proceed with reinstallation as outlined in item 2.Head back to Flotsam and talk to the sorceress Sile in her room above the inn.
All digitally downloaded versions of the game from around the world (including Direct2Drive, Impulse, Gamers Gate, Amazon, Trymedia, GameFly, BestBuy, Nexway, Ztorm, Gamesload, NBG e-shop) with the exception of the GOG.com version (see notes below). All other Western European countries excluding Germany, Switzerland, and Austria - Namco Bandai.
Germany, Switzerland, Austria - Namco Bandai.exe file to update your copy of the game. If auto-patching during installation does not work for any reason, download the patch manually, based on your region/version by selecting one of the links below, then run the. Installation and patching will proceed automatically. However, as the game is now DRM-free, you can enter anything in the relevant field. The installation program will ask you for an activation code. If you are installing the game for the first time or re-installing it, the game will automatically patch online to version 1.1 during installation. If you experience any problems installing Patch 1.1, please contact Tech Support at Ģ. uninstall the game completely (your save-games won't be removed) then make a new, fresh installation and then proceed to point 2.If you still experience problems you can either: If patch installation fails for any reason this is the first thing you need to check. It is very important to double check if you chose and downloaded the proper patch version.
* DRM free downloadable version of the game. North America, Europe, Asia retail AND all other downloadable versions of the game (Direct2Drive, Impulse, Gamers Gate, Amazon, Trymedia, GameFly, BestBuy, Nexway, Ztorm, Gamesload, NBG e-shop, and any other Atari* or Namco Bandai versions or affiliates versions) with the exception of the GOG.com version (see notes below). Poland - CD Projekt (Premium or Collector's Edition). exe file manually to update your copy of the game. After the patch has been downloaded, run the. Please select your version and click on the relevant link to download. Specific versions differ according to the countries/regions and/or publishers listed below. If you have already installed and activated your version of The Witcher 2, you must download and install Patch 1.1 manually. Troll Trouble DLC has been included in the patch 1.1ġ. Please follow the directions below to determine which one you need to install. Please note that we are releasing several distinct versions of the patch. For the GOG.com version of The Witcher 2, please use the patch available at the GOG.com website.įor the Steam Version of The Witcher 2, please use the Steam auto-patching system.